Did you know that Bald Eagles have a see-through voluntary eyelid called a nictitating membrane? They use it to protect, moisten & clean their eyes while the main eyelids are open. They have amazing eyesight (their strongest sense) with having large eyes that take up 50% of their head & weighing about the same amount as the human eye all while seeing 4-5x better than us! Bald Eagles see 5 basic colors to our 3 & can detect UV light. This is due to the cones (light detecting cells in the retina). Humans: 200,000. Bald Eagles: 1,000,000. They win.
As the apex predators as they are (top of the food chain); they eat mainly meat & fish & can detect prey up to 2 miles away. Eagles often steal food from other birds by chasing them until they DROP IT LIKE IT’S HOT. :)
Monogamous & mate for life, 35 years & share in a continual building of a huge nest, incubating eggs & feeding their babies. Young bald eagles have brown heads & change plumage patterns within the first 5 years. Year 2 they have white bellies. Adult males & females have the same plumage patterns so the only way to tell them apart is by their size. Females are 25% larger. Scientists think it’s because they tend to take charge of the nest & incubate the eggs longer which could deter egg thieves.
To know the difference between an eagle & a vulture is by how they soar. Eagles fly with flat wings whereas vultures fly with their wings up & in a v-shape.
Ironically, humans are the main enemy of the Bald Eagle with our pollution & chemicals which poison their food supply. In their naturalistic world, the adult Bald Eagles have zero enemies.