Did you know that calla lilies aren’t even lilies? It’s true. In the 18th century a Swedish botanist accidentally named it by recording the flower as a lily. By the time the mistake was found the name had stuck so they kept it.

I’m glad they kept the name as calla lilies are so beautiful, in fact, calla means “beautiful” in Greek. Serendipitous perhaps?  They also carry some fun nicknames such as pig lily, arum lily and trumpet lily (similar shape).

Calla lilies are tied to the Ancient Greek mythology as being that Hera created the Milky Way with her milk scattering & when the droplets landed they formed lilies. Even the Roman mythology became allured by the lily. Venus looked at the flower as competition & cast a ‘pistil’ curse on it. How spiteful! 

Speaking of spiteful, calla lilies are actually quite poisonous & the effects are best not to say. Oh...& it’s a good idea to keep them away from any vegetarian pets. Well, the leaves are ok but a BIG No No to the flower & stamen.