Did you know that the Doberman Pinscher was first bred & named after Herr Karl Louis Dobermann? He was a tax collector who held many jobs that required him to carry around large sums of money late at night & sometimes in shady parts of town. Jobs such as police officer, night guard & dog catcher.

Dobermann’s access to dogs gave him the idea to breed a medium sized dog that was refined yet intimidating to be his security dog. It’s still a mystery as to which types, he bred as no notes were found but many believe a mixture from a Rottweiler to a Great Dane.

Dobbies are known for being great security dogs & were even used in the 1944 Battle of Guam during WWII. This was when the first canine casualty happened. His name was Kurt & he saved the lives of 25 Marines by going ahead & warning the troops of Japanese soldiers approaching with grenades. 

Kurt & 24 other brave canines are laid to rest in the United States Marine Corps War Dog Cemetery in Guam. Along with a bronze statue of Kurt listing all the dogs’ names on its side created by Artist, Susan Bahary. RIP! 

Now, I can’t leave you sad, so another fun fact about Dobermann Pinschers is that they are the 5th most intelligent and easily trained dog breed. So much so, that they outsmart their owners/trainers and can get bored fast. How has your Dobbie outsmarted you? Or have you been able to outsmart your Dobbie? Or maybe he or she just let you think you did. 😉