Did you know that miniature ponies (horses) are about three feet when they are full grown? That is what...the height of a 2-year-old? For a horse? Whaaat? True story. Meet Fancy, she’s a mini horse even though this art piece is her glamour shot. And those eyes! 

Mini ponies have an average life span of 30. A long-lasting companion for sure. The oldest was one by the name of Angel and she lived to 50! That’s many years of solid therapy. In fact, miniature horses are very successful as being therapy horses. They visit more than 45,000 people every year by being a part of numerous animal assisted therapy organizations.

They may bring a lot of joy to many sick and elderly humans, but they have also been used for hauling goods out of mines back in the 1950’s. They even have a past with royalty.

The miniature horse was originated in the 1600’s in Europe and the wife of French emperor Napoleon III had one to entertain their children in the palace and equipped to pull a little carriage. Did Disney get this idea from her for Cinderella?  The world’s smallest miniature horse was named Thumbelina (measuring at 17.5”).  Still, what a childhood having mini ponies and living in a palace!