Did you know that Ronald Reagan made the rose the national flower emblem of the United States in 1986? He even made the announcement from the White House Rose Garden.
Roses 🌹can live a long time and have been around for more than 35 million years. A fossil of a rose was found in Colorado by which archeologists came to this discovery of its timeline. Today, almost a quarter of all roses sold in the United States come from Ecuador where 54% of their land is full of roses. They require a lot of water (3-4 gallons to blossom) and areas near the equator harbor a lot of roses. I bet it smells wonderful there! The thorns on roses aren’t really “thorns” but “prickles” and come from the climbing roses species to help them bond to other plants and objects. They can grow quite tall, the highest recorded has been 23 feet in India. That’s about 3 1/2 Lebron James standing on top of each other to put that in perspective. Wow!