Did you know the Savannah is a breed of hybrid cat developed in the late 20th century from crossing a serval (Leptailurus serval) with a domestic cat (Felis catus). This hybridization typically produces large and lean offspring, with the Serval's characteristic large ears and markedly brown-spotted coats.

A Savannah's exotic look is due to the presence of many specific serval characteristics. These include the distinctive color markings; the tall, deeply cupped, wide, rounded and erect ears, long body and legs; fat, puffy noses; and hooded eyes. When a Savannah is standing, its hind end is often higher than its prominent shoulders.

Savannah cats are known for their loyalty, and they will follow their owners around the house. They can also be trained to walk on a leash and to fetch.

An often-noted trait of the Savannah is its jumping ability, and the natural tendency to seek out high places means they are known to jump on top of doors, refrigerators and high cabinets. Savannahs are very inquisitive. They often learn how to open doors and cupboards, and anyone buying a Savannah will likely need to take special precautions to prevent the cat from getting into trouble.

Many Savannah cats do not fear water and will play or even immerse themselves in water. Some owners even shower with their Savannah cats. Presenting a water bowl to a Savannah may also prove a challenge, as some will promptly begin to "bat" all the water out of the bowl until it is empty, using their front paws.